
  1. Develop socially
  2. Develop imagination and intelligence
  3. Develop sense of self esteem
  4. Positive attitude towards school and learning
  5. Build good listening and concentration skills
  6. Initiate self discipline and sense of order
  7. Develop sensory motor skills, gross an fine motor skills
  8. Sharpen the ability to discriminate and judge
  9. Develop language and communication skills
  10. Qualified and trained teachers
  11. Hands-on learning
  12. Educational Field Trips
  13. Festival Celebrations
  14. Music & Movement Sessions
  15. Enrichment Programme
  16. A well secure school building
  17. Counselling
  18. Colourful Classrooms
  19. Playway method of education
  20. Well eaquipped activity room
  21. Age appropriate library setup
  22. Integrated and theme based learning